This is part of your agreement when joining BEVERLY MARKS STAGE SCHOOL - BMSS PERFORMING ARTS). Membership is open to all subject to the following conditions:
BMSS accepts no responsibility for loss or damage of personal belongings while on the premises.
BMSS Staff must be notified of any changes to the information provided on the Registration Form.
All staff, including cover teachers (who may be brought in at short notice), are qualified, experienced and DBS checked. Volunteer class assistants and trainees on placements are all DBS checked. There is always a first aider on site.
Racist, sexist and other offensive language and behaviour is not tolerated, and we reserve the right to terminate membership without notice, the final decision being undertaken by the Board of Directors. Behaviour of staff, parents and students must always follow our code-of-conduct.
Please note that under no circumstances are pets allowed on school premises due to Health and Safety reasons.
Emergency contact number:
BMSS emergency mobile phone is kept with The Manager. The number 07958972903 must only be used if there are problems regarding the collection of children. Do not ring the office as there may not be anyone there.
Chewing gum/ fizzy drinks are forbidden on the premises. Do not bring food if you attend for less than 3 hours
Saturday Stage School students packed lunch do not bring nut products.
Water for class
This is basic but essential and gives the students a sense of belonging, a sense of ritual and dressing for something important – their class. Appropriate clothing as below is necessary for training , health and safety and child protection:
All t-shirts, shoes and bags must be clearly labelled – lost property is donated to charity at the end of every term.
Strictly no jewellery – no earrings (earrings are very unsafe during physical activity).
Hair must be tied back from the face for all classes a Ballet Bun for Ballet class
Uniform Lists are available , the correct dance shoes must be worn
Children must arrive and be collected promptly. It is very important that children arrive in time for their classes, preferably 5 minutes before the start. This allows the group time to settle from the moment the class starts.
Where possible BMSS will aim to let people know of any changes in venue or class time at least one week ahead of schedule via email and social media
Class numbers are limited so good attendance and commitment to the course is essential.
Saturday Stage School Students are given 2 absence credits per year.
Please notify by text or email if your child can not attend
Parents are not to allow their child to attend BMSS if they are feeling unwell or have a known injury which would prevent a student from fully taking part.
This includes presenting any contagious illness including (but not limited to): Chicken Pox, Head Lice, Common Cold, Flu and, as of March 2020, symptoms of COVID-19.
COVID-19: Parents are expected to follow government advice in relation to when to self-isolate.
Refunds will only be given in the event of illness or injury preventing attendance at classes for a sustained period of time at the Management discretion.
Child Collection:
UNDER AGE 11 YEARS :Teachers must ensure that each child has left a session with an adult or older child (agreed in advance with parent). It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure the child is collected punctually at the end of the class or session. Should a parent/guardian not turn up to collect a child on time – this is the procedure to follow:
Inform Staff Member on Duty who will contact the parent/guardian.
If the parent/carer is not reachable, and you must leave, the emergency procedure is as follows:
Leave a message with the parent and contact the entire BMSS Management Team with all the information. Wait until another member of the team can arrive.
In the unlikely event that the parent/guardian is not reachable and there is no adult available, BMSS must ask the Police to attend & Inform the police of all contact details for the parent/guardian . Try to Leave a message for the parent/guardian to say where the child will be.
Students Age 11 and over will be free released at the end of the session with no handover unless specifically requested in writing
BMSS does not provide drop-in classes for children and young people on all term time courses. All courses must be booked in advance. New students may join courses during the term subject to availability and authorisation of theBMSS management team. If there are no spaces on a requested course when booking, then BMSS will aim to provide an alternative option where possible.
Waiting List:
Members on the waiting list will be contacted in order of the list. If members are unavailable, no message will be left. The next member will be contacted and the first to make contact will receive the place.
Priority Booking:
A priority booking period for current students will take place and your childs place will be available and roll over each term
Full payment must be received in advance to confirm a place the second time you attend
For all current students, courses must be paid for in the first week of the month or term
Failure to make payment on time will result in a 1st Reminder , if the second reminder is sent and not settled imediately the place will be withdrawn and a £10 admin fee applied . On settlement if no place available your child will be added to the waiting list as class numbers are now limited.
If a place is cancelled, a minimum of one month’s notice and payment in writing should be given. Customers must pay this last month’s fees.
BMSS reserves the right to cancel a course if there are fewer than seven participants on a course and the above efforts will be made to place a student in an alternative course or offer a pro-rata refund where appropriate.
If BMSS cannot deliver classes due to force majeure or government directive, we shall implement online classes via video conferencing software as a replacement. No refunds will be offered.
If a child or household member is told to self-isolate by NHS Track and Trace (or equivalent service) classes will be provided to the student via video conferencing software if requested by the parent.
This will be classed as missed sessions and as per the below, no refund will be made.
BMSS cannot offer a refund if you do not attend courses or classes .
NEW STUDENTS ONLY: The first class is considered a free ‘trial’ class. Thereafter monthly fees will apply collect a fee schedule, we do not accept weekly fees
This will be reviewd periodically. Careful consideration is given and BMSS can not afford to go into another long shutdown this term and then continue to offer services. We will or course always consider any individual considerations put to us.
Please read and follow the instructions given Sept 20
Students and Staff are not to attend if you have a temperature or are unwell or anyone in the household is unwell for 14 days , this must b e reported to the BMSS office. Notify us of any medical conditions updated recently
As a control measure to reduce risk parents/carers will be asked to wait outside the building with 2 metre distancing. A reminder the heightened risk of using fuel stations before attending, use gloves and tissues when filling up cars to readuce the spread of Covid 19.
3. All students to wash or sanitise hands on arrival, before eating and regularly as directed. Soap & Sanitiser will be available
4. Students must keep a 2 metre distance from staff and other students where possible. Spot & tape Markers will be placed to follow distancing in class.
5. Students will leave the building at staggered collection times
6. If you need to sneeze , use a tissue or elbow cover, bin it and wash your hands or sanitse
7. Store outdoor shoes and belongings separately as directed and do not share phones or items.
8. It is not recomended to wear face mask when dancing especially for those with Astmah . Students over 12 years to wear a mask when in common areas
9. Always Bring Your dance shoes, wipe with sanitzer before you return for your next session & your dance bag.
9. If you have any questions or concerns speak to a member of BMSS staff
10. Fees are not refundable , in case of a lockdown classes will resume online and be reviewd periodically or alternatives offered
BMSS Whats in Place
Knowledge of Staff and Students Medical conditions
Class size is governed by social Distance Measures
Adequate soap, sanatiser wall mounted and portable, tissues
Safety protocols clearly Displayed
Temperature testing available
Sufficient hygine breaks for rooms halls and students
Strict cleaning within the school with particular attention paid to toilet areas, sinks, ballet barres and door handles
protocol in place for a student or staff member developing Covid 19
No unnecessary people in the school building
Risk Assessments are reviewed at regular intervals
The office at the Neighbourhood centre will be open , discussions to take place 2M outside the office door please
Payments preferable via bank transfer , cash payments in a self seal envelope